Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Problem With Afghanistan

Today's Wall Street Journal prints an article titled, Obama and the General. The White House finds a four-star scapegoat for its Afghan jitters.

Gen. Mc Chrystal's assessment of on the ground situations are taking a backseat to the military wisdom of that great strategist Joe Biden with the public relations wiz Nancy Pelosi lecturing the General of the need to follow the chain of command (as she demonstrated by her trip to Syria). Why don't I feel better now that Biden and Pelosi speak out and tell McChrystal he is out of line because of the (Pentagon approved) speech he gave in London? McChrystal spoke plainly and gave his honest assessment, Everyone (with the exception perhaps of Sarah Palin) knows that plain speaking and honesty is not in the best interests of the people. We  rely on persons such as Biden and Pelosi to share just that information that they feel we should know. Those "great minds" in the DC bubble surely should tell the world what they think about Afghanistan and how best to proceed. For crying out loud, what does McChrystal know--can't be much because he has made the military a career. John Kerry told students that unless they study hard, they could end up stuck in Iraq. McChrystal must not have studied enough because he is stuck in Afghanistan.

General McChrystal has been quoted as saying he will not resign even if his recommendations are rejected by Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Obama (hope I got the chain of command listed correctly). I have to agree with the WSJ writers stating,

"But we don't think Gen. McChrystal should stay to implement a Biden war plan either. No commander in uniform should ask his soldiers to die for a strategy he doesn't think is winnable—or for a President who lets his advisers and party blame a general for their own lack of political nerve."

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