Monday, September 21, 2009

Do We Want Victory In Afghanistan?

According to today's Washington Post, General McChrystal says that " Failure to gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum in the near-term (next 12 months) -- while Afghan security capacity matures -- risks an outcome where defeating the insurgency is no longer possible."  

I signed the petition at PETITION directed to President Obama to give the military leadership on the ground in Afghanistan the troops they need to do the job. The president has indicated that he needs more information before he will make a decision. He indicated he is the one who would be responsible for sending troops into harm's way and would have to answer to parents for that decision. My question to Mr. Obama is, what about those already there? Do we not owe those who currently are in the thick of the battle sufficient support? If we are in a war that is worth fighting, let us fight it intelligently with sufficient forces and rules of engagement that  give us a chance for victory. If we will not fight to win, then better we bring our current numbers home instead of allowing them to be maimed and killed in a fight we have no intention of winning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pat! Thanks for commenting on my political blog, American Pie...And I SO agree with you on Obama's War! I don't suppose he Remembers Viet Nam!!
    Either fight to WIN or GET OUT!
    I also have a "regular" blog..Made in Heaven, where I blog and don't offend "them!".LOL..You know!
    Have a Great week!
